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  • Writer's pictureSamm Musick

A Lesson In Life

I used to not care about abortion. But I remember the day that changed for me. I was sitting in my car in Uptown (Chicago) listening to James Dobson on my car radio. It was 1997. I had been a christian for about 6 years at this point but for some reason I hadn't really considered the issue of abortion. I can't remember what he said but I remember being awoken to the fact that what we were doing as a nation to these precious innocent lives was equal to murder. I remember getting a sick feeling in my stomach and vowing to take a stand to fight for those who had no voice. Even scripture admonishes us to "Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute." (Proverbs 31:8). My heart was forever changed that day.

Our current President is threatening to repeal two very important pieces of legislation that protect the lives of innocent American citizens. The Mexico City Policy and Hyde Amendment. These policies protect our federal tax dollars from going to funding abortions internationally and domestically. If this legislation is repealed, I cannot in good conscience pay taxes to a government that funds the slaying of innocent lives.

Some of you reading this may argue with me, "What about a woman's right to choose, what about the life and safety of the mother? A baby isn't alive until its actually born." On and on the arguments come. Well let's look at another example. Let's say that there was a disease that you could only get from 5 year old children. If you get it it is deadly within minutes. But the 5 year old children are immune. It's only adults who can get it. And some looney in congress decides that we should kill all 5 year old children who have this disease to "protect" the adults from getting the disease. I guarantee ALL of you would NOT want your hard earned tax dollars going to fund some looney plan like this! There would be outrage! Well to me and to millions of us it is the exact same thing! A couple has sex, as God intended, as nature intended, and they conceive a child. That child is a product of their love (not in all cases, granted) but regardless that is a living being growing inside the woman. That child should have the same rights to LIFE, LIBERTY, AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS as any adult U.S. Citizen.

As for me, I can not stand by and let my money go to fund the killing of innocent U.S. citizens simply because they don't have a voice or are considered by some "medical professional" to not be a living being. That's looney to me. Ridiculous. I simply will not and cannot stand by and let this current administration get away with murder.

For those of you who disagree, can you please just take a few moments and try to see this issue from my perspective. If YOU really believed that a baby in the womb is alive and has a future and rights, wouldn't you want to fight to protect those rights? Please try to open your heart to the possibility that "science" might be wrong about this one?

I'm literally begging you to re-consider your ideas and position.

If America is destroyed or taken over by some group of world powers I would bet my last dollar that it was because we refused to stop shedding innocent blood. And that dollar you can take to the bank.


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